Leak Repair near Propane Tank Behind a Gas Station in Ghent.

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  • Leak Repair near Propane Tank Behind a Gas Station in Ghent.

Full Case Study as Reported:

In Ghent, workers were repairing a leak near one of the 500-gallon propane tanks located behind a gas station, and the workers possibly hit the tank.

Following a 911 call, a fire truck was dispatched. An explosion occurred as the fire truck was pulling in and the fire truck, an ambulance, and many other vehicles were overturned.

Among the fatalities were two workers, a paramedic, and a fire fighter. Five people were hospitalized and their condition was serious.

According to the authorities, propane is heavier than air, and had therefore spread along the ground into a building where it came into contact with an ignition source and resulted in a fire.

The gas station was destroyed and the explosion sent debris flying into a school located one mile away, causing minor damage to the school’s property. No one was injured at the school.

Outcomes Reported:

Cause: Excavation induced damage 

Damage: Gas station, school, several vehicles 

Injuries: Four fatalities, five injuries

Related Keywords:

Propane gas tank, Fatalities; Injuries, Explosion/fire, Business losses, Collateral damage (other than utility).

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  • Leak Repair near Propane Tank Behind a Gas Station in Ghent.